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Simmerberg Bräustätt und Taferne

Ellhofer Straße 2
D-88171 Simmerberg
Telephone: +49 (0)8387 / 3806
Hours: Daily at 11:00am.
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D-88171 Simmerberg
Telephone: +49 (0)8387 / 3806
Hours: Daily at 11:00am.
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Visited: December 4, 2006
Opened: 1705
They also serve a Leichtes Weizen that is brewed in Kaufbeuren.
Updated: February 28, 2009
Beer List
Date: December 4, 2006 (#6182)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 20 pointsAppearance (3)
Golden. Fairly hazy. Really fizzy. Big fluffy head.Aroma (4)
Very nicely malty and clean. Mild hint of spicy noble hops.Mouthfeel (10)
Light-medium body, fizzy. Huge fresh clean malt flavor dominates. Just sweet enough. Hint of noble hop flavor and a hint of bitterness in the dry finish.Overall Impression (3)
Real tasty beer, and a great one to start off this trip!
Date: December 4, 2006 (#6183)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 18½ pointsAppearance (3)
Pale gold, slight haze. Lots of carbonation.Aroma (3½)
Nice herbal noble hop on top of some grainy malt. Hop could be just a bit more prominent.Mouthfeel (9)
Light body, really fizzy. Grainy malt flavor, not quite as sweet as the Gold. Hop flavor and bitterness is nore prominent than the Gold; bitterness builds and lingers at the end. Finishes very dry.Overall Impression (3)
I wasn't so keen on it at first, but the further I get into the glass, the more I like it.
Date: December 4, 2006 (#6185)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 17 pointsAppearance (3)
Red-brown, hazy. Thick, dense, short-lived head.Aroma (3)
Spicy, toasty malt.Mouthfeel (9)
Light body, silky smooth. Big caramelly-toasty malt flavor, with more than a hint of roast. Some bitterness shows up at the end, probably more than the style usually has.Overall Impression (2)
Not a bad beer at all.