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This is not the official web site of
Sixpoint Craft Ales
(Artisanal Brewing Ventures)
40 Van Dyke Street
Brooklyn NY 11231
Telephone: +1 718-246-8050
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm, Saturday 11:00am-3:00pm. Tours available by appointment.
Brewer: Shane C. Welch
[Contact] [Update]


Opened: 2005

Annual Production: 8,000 bbl

Contributors: Diane Crawford, Mario Kornmesser, Nathan, Siegfried Binge

Sixpoint is moving to 124 Ninth Street in May 2020.

Updated: February 10, 2023


Beer List

  • 6.00% abv.

  • Click for a better picture (popup)
    6.60% abv.
    • Date: February 9, 2023 (#11324)
      Package: canned
      Place: Hy-Vee Maplewood, Maplewood MN
      Score: 15½ points
      Appearance (3)
      Amber. Some haze. Big foamy head.
      Aroma (3)
      Mild orange-citrus hops. Mild biscuity malt.
      Mouthfeel (8)
      Medium body, fairly fizzy. Big citrusy hop flavor all the way through. Medium-big bitterness. Grainy malt in the background. Grassy bitter somewhat astringent finish.
      Overall Impression (1½)
      Not bad, not great.

  • 5.80% abv.

  • 6.10% abv.

  • 8.20% abv.

  • 6.10% abv.

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    9.10% abv.
    • Date: February 8, 2023 (#11318)
      Package: canned
      Place: Hy-Vee Maplewood, Maplewood MN
      Score: 18 points
      Appearance (3)
      Bright golden-amber. Dense head.
      Aroma (3)
      Resiny. Malty. Sweetish. Bready.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Big body, smooth. Really malty, bready, with a hint of graham cracker. Floral, fruity, kinda citrusy hop flavor. Medium bitterness. Malt comes back in the finish and works real well with the floral hop flavor.
      Overall Impression (3)
      Real good beer.

  • Baltic-Style Porter
    7.80% abv.

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    Juicy or Hazy India Pale Ale
    6.40% abv.
    • Date: February 9, 2023 (#11323)
      Package: canned
      Place: Hy-Vee Maplewood, Maplewood MN
      Score: 14 points
      Appearance (3)
      Yellowish, hazy. Moderate head.
      Aroma (2½)
      Very mildly lemony, very mildly biscuity.
      Mouthfeel (7)
      Medium body, fizzy and slick. Citrusy hop flavor, medium bitterness. Grassy finish.
      Overall Impression (1½)
      Not impressed.

  • Specialty Beer
    6.90% abv.

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    Bohemian-Style Pilsener
    5.40% abv.
    • Date: February 8, 2023 (#11317)
      Package: canned
      Place: Hy-Vee Maplewood, Maplewood MN
      Score: 18 points
      Appearance (3)
      Brilliant golden. Thick creamy head.
      Aroma (3)
      Mildly grassy, floral, bready.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Light-medium body, fairly fizzy. Very nice malt flavor. Very nice grassy hop flavor. A little grainy and a little floral. Just bitter enough.
      Overall Impression (3)
      Real tasty beer.

  • Click for a better picture (popup)
    Juicy or Hazy Imperial or Double India Pale Ale
    8.60% abv.

  • The Spice Of Life