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Gräfliches Hofbrauhaus Freising GmbH
Opened: 1160
Updated: February 9, 2023
Beer List
5.20% abv.
Date: February 19, 2021 (#10431)Package: bottledPlace: Hy-Vee Maplewood, Maplewood MNScore: 18½ pointsAppearance (3)
Bright brown. Thick creamy head.Aroma (4)
Bready, grassy, floral.Mouthfeel (9)
Light body, smooth. Grassy, bready malt, nicely toasty. Mild floral hop flavor, low bitterness. More toast in the finish.Overall Impression (2½)
Flavorful and refreshing.
6.10% abv.
Date: October 21, 2020 (#10363)Package: bottledPlace: Hy-Vee Maple Grove, Maple Grove MNScore: 20 pointsAppearance (3)
Brilliant golden. High carbonation. Dense head.Aroma (4)
Bready, malty. Mildly floral, with some sulfur.Mouthfeel (10)
Light-medium body, fairly fizzy. Real nice clean malt all the way through. Bready, mildly grainy, with some sulfur. Very mild floral hop flavor and bitterness. Bready, grainy malt finish.Overall Impression (3)
Outstanding Festbier.