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Meckatzer Löwenbräu Benedikt Weiss KG

Meckatz 10
D-88178 Heimenkirch
Telephone: +49 (0)8381 / 504-0
Brewer: Biechl Manfred, Fabert Olaf
[Contact] [Update]
D-88178 Heimenkirch
Telephone: +49 (0)8381 / 504-0
Brewer: Biechl Manfred, Fabert Olaf
[Contact] [Update]

Contributor: Mario Kornmesser
Updated: January 20, 2018
Beer List
2.90% abv.
5.40% abv.
4.90% abv.
5.20% abv.
Date: January 13, 2009 (#7665)Package: bottledPlace: Spiky Bar, HopfenweilerScore: 17 pointsAppearance (3)
Golden-brown, translucent. Dense head.Aroma (3)
Spicy, malty, a bit grassy.Mouthfeel (9)
Light body. Very fizzy. Sweet and toasty. Mildly bready with just a hint of banana and caramel. Finishes sweet.Overall Impression (2)
Good beer.

5.20% abv.
Date: December 8, 2006 (#6205)Package: bottledPlace: Pier 40, FriedrichshafenScore: 17 pointsAppearance (3)
Bright gold. High carbonation. Thick fluffy head.Aroma (2½)
Big sweet malt. Very mildly spicy.Mouthfeel (9)
Light-medium body, moderately fizzy. Lots of grainy malt, but not too sweet. Mild herbal-grassy hop flavor and bitterness in the middle, yielding to malt in the finish. Mildly warming.Overall Impression (2½)
Good clean mild beer. Andreas Praefcke provides an explanation for the somewhat misleading name of this beer:The somewhat misleading name of "Weiss-Gold" has a simple reason: "Weiss" was the brewer's name that invented this first beer brand in the Allgäu region in 1905. The brewery is still in possession of the Weiss family.

4.80% abv.
Date: January 11, 2009 (#7646)Package: bottledPlace: Spiky Bar, HopfenweilerScore: 16 pointsAppearance (3)
Pale. Bright. Thick fluffy head.Aroma (3)
Sulfury, with earthy noble hops.Mouthfeel (8)
Light body, smooth. Big grainy, smoky, sulfury malt character. Moderate earthy-grassy bitterness, especially in the finish.Overall Impression (2)