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Flensburger Brauerei Emil Petersen GmbH & Co. KG

Beer List
4.80% abv.
6.10% abv.
6.60% abv.
4.80% abv.
Date: March 24, 2012 (#8748)Package: bottledPlace: Hy-Vee Stony Brook, Omaha NEScore: 14½ pointsAppearance (3)
Bright brown. Moderate head.Aroma (2½)
Grassy-grainy, sulfury.Mouthfeel (7)
Light and fizzy. Really grainy, mildly malty. Grassy hop flavor, mild bitterness. Earthy.Overall Impression (2)
5.40% abv.
6.90% abv.
4.80% abv.
Date: June 12, 2012 (#8844)Package: bottledPlace: Hy-Vee Stony Brook, Omaha NEScore: 19 pointsAppearance (3)
Brilliant gold. Very high carbonation. Moderate tight head.Aroma (4)
Sweet malt. Fresh grassy-floral hops.Mouthfeel (9)
Light body, fizzy. Nice sweet grainy maltiness. Grassy, fruity hop flavor, low-medium bitterness. Clean hoppy finish.Overall Impression (3)
4.80% abv.

4.80% abv.
Date: December 9, 2006 (#6208)Package: bottledPlace: Haus zum Salzbüchsle, KonstanzScore: 19 pointsAppearance (3)
Bright golden. Low carbonation. Thick head.Aroma (3)
Some DMS, but mainly mild grainy malt.Mouthfeel (10)
Light body, fiercely dry. Really clean — no DMS in the flavor — with a very nice assertive bitterness all the way through. Very dry fairly bitter finish.Overall Impression (3)
Real Good Beer. Matthias Krümberg and Salzbüchsle owner Bernadette Kube informed me in no uncertain terms that this beer was to be enjoyed directly from the bottle, although they grudgingly allowed me to pour a small amount into a glass to evaluate the color and aroma.