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This is not the official web site of
Brouwerij The Musketeers
Bar/Tasting RoomBeer GardenBeer To Go (Off-License)
Reepstraat 208
B-9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas
Telephone: +32 3 344 02 31
[Contact] [Update]


Opened: 1999

U.S. Importer: WIN-IT-TOO Inc.

Contributors: Mario Kornmesser, Stefaan Soetemans, Tim Webb

Updated: October 7, 2021

Beer List

  • 9.00% abv.

  • 5.90% abv.

  • Click for a better picture (popup)
    6.50% abv.
    • Date: December 29, 2008 (#7636)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Beertopia, Omaha NE
      Score: 20 points
      Appearance (3)
      Bright golden. Thick dense head.
      Aroma (4)
      Very nicely spicy and fruity.
      Mouthfeel (10)
      Medium body. Really fizzy. Tasty sweet malt under lots of Belgian spiciness. Fairly clean finish.
      Overall Impression (3)
      Excellent beer. Bottle-conditioned.
    • Date: March 31, 2004 (#5259)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Liquid Solutions, Tigard OR
      Score: 16 points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Bright golden. Low head. Fruity, malty aroma. Medium body. Really spicy and really malty. Big graham cracker character. Hints of ginger and clove. Some bitterness along with the alcohol in the finish. "Gebotteld 17/08/2000".

  • 9.00% abv.

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    8.20% abv.
    • Date: December 29, 2008 (#7637)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Beertopia, Omaha NE
      Score: 18½ points
      Appearance (3)
      Deep dark red. Dense head.
      Aroma (4)
      Milk chocolate. Spicy.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Medium-big body, really fizzy. Spicy and chocolatey and malty and warming. Hint of bitterness in the finish along with some licorice.
      Overall Impression (2½)

  • Belgian-Style Dark Strong Ale
    9.00% abv.