Beer List
5.30% abv.
5.50% abv.
5.50% abv.
3.40% abv.
5.50% abv.
5.00% abv.
Date: April 6, 2003 (#4816)Package: draughtPlace: Restaurant Isarbräu, MünchenScore: 17½ pointsOverall Impression (3)
Deep red. Thick head. Mildly malty aroma. Medium body, fairly fizzy. Sweet dark Munich malt flavor start to finish.
5.30% abv.
Date: April 6, 2003 (#4815)Package: draughtPlace: Restaurant Isarbräu, MünchenScore: 20 pointsOverall Impression (3)
Bright golden. Moderate carbonation. Thick head. Fresh noble hop aroma. Medium body, fairly fizzy. Big noble hop flavor and a nice bitterness on top of lots of tasty fresh malt. This is a Good Beer!
3.30% abv.