This is not the official web site of
Schnitzlbaumer Privatbrauerei

Taubenmarkt 11A/13
D-83278 Traunstein
Telephone: +49 (0)861 / 986650
Hours: Open daily at 9:00am. Closed December 24.
[Contact] [Update]
D-83278 Traunstein
Telephone: +49 (0)861 / 986650
Hours: Open daily at 9:00am. Closed December 24.
[Contact] [Update]
Opened: 1575
Contributor: Mario Kornmesser
This is the Ausschan; the brewery itself is located less than 100 meters away at Mühlenstraße 8.
Updated: February 24, 2024
Beer List
6.20% abv.
6.20% abv.
8.10% abv.
5.20% abv.
4.90% abv.
5.20% abv.
6.20% abv.
4.60% abv.
5.10% abv.
5.20% abv.
6.50% abv.
6.30% abv.
5.30% abv.
6.80% abv.
5.00% abv.
Date: November 1, 2022 (#11224)Package: cannedPlace: Costco Maple Grove, Maple Grove MNScore: 18½ pointsAppearance (3)
Beautiful bright golden. High carbonation, creamy head.Aroma (3½)
Floral, a little earthy. Grainy, sweet clean malt.Mouthfeel (9)
Light body, moderate carbonation. Clean malt all the way through. Floral hop flavor, low bitterness. A little grainy, very mildly smoky. Nice dry malty finish.Overall Impression (3)
Excellent beer.
5.90% abv.
4.90% abv.
5.20% abv.
6.50% abv.
5.20% abv.
5.30% abv.
4.50% abv.
6.00% abv.
6.50% abv.