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Edelweissbrauerei Farny
Bar/Tasting RoomRestaurantRetail ItemsTours
Dürren 5
D-88353 Kißlegg
Telephone: +49 (0)7522 / 9788-0
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00am-noon and 1:00pm-5:00pm, Friday 7:00am-noon.
Brewer: Alexander Neugebauer
[Contact] [Update]

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Contributor: Mario Kornmesser

Updated: October 26, 2011

Beer List

  • 5.30% abv.
    • Date: October 10, 2006 (#6131)
      Package: draught
      Place: Brauereigaststätte, Ravensburg, Germany
      Score: 16 points
      Appearance (3)
      Brown, opaque. Thick dense head.
      Aroma (3)
      Very mild toasty sweet malt.
      Mouthfeel (8)
      Light body, incredibly fizzy. Sweet, toasty malt flavor. Very mild yeast character; a bit of cloves.
      Overall Impression (2)

  • 5.30% abv.
    • Date: October 10, 2006 (#6130)
      Package: draught
      Place: Brauereigaststätte, Ravensburg, Germany
      Score: 17 points
      Appearance (3)
      Yellow, opaque. Moderate reasonably dense head.
      Aroma (3)
      Bready, mild banana, wheat.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Medium-light body, fizzy. Lots of wheat malt flavor, lots of barley malt flavor, some banana flavor. Clean, sweet, wheaty finish, with banana right at the end.
      Overall Impression (2)
      Good clean beer, probably the closest thing to a Bavarian Hefeweizen I've tasted on this trip so far.

  • Dortmunder/European-Style Export
    • Date: October 10, 2006 (#6128)
      Package: draught
      Place: Brauereigaststätte, Ravensburg, Germany
      Score: 17½ points
      Appearance (3)
      Bright golden, very high carbonation. Massive dense head.
      Aroma (3)
      Mildly grainy, suprisingly smoky malt.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Light-medium body, fizzy. Richly malty, surprisingly so for the body. Fairly grainy and mildly smoky. Some SO2. Reasonably bitter with a prominent noble hop flavor. Clean very well-balanced finish.
      Overall Impression (2½)
      Excellent beer, but the sulfur becomes much more prominent as the beer warms, almost to the point of dominating the finish.

  • Dortmunder/European-Style Export
    5.10% abv.
    • Date: October 10, 2006 (#6127)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Brauereigaststätte, Ravensburg, Germany
      Score: 17½ points
      Appearance (3)
      Yellow, opaque. Moderate dense head.
      Aroma (3)
      Sweet malt. Very mild SO2.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Light body, fizzy. Lots of sweet malt flavor, and quite yeasty. Maybe there's a hint of banana, or maybe I'm imagining it because of the big yeast flavor. Sweet yeasty finish.
      Overall Impression (2½)
      "Das Jubiläumsbier".

  • South German-Style Kristall Weizen/Kristall Weissbier
    5.30% abv.

  • Leicht Hefe-Weizen
    Leichtes Weizen/Weissbier
    3.20% abv.

  • Leicht Kristall-Weizen
    Leichtes Weizen/Weissbier
    3.20% abv.

  • Oskar Farny
    German-Style Pilsener

  • Schambrinus
    South German-Style Hefeweizen/Hefeweissbier