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Ipswich Ale Brewing Company
Mercury Brewing

Opened: 1991
Contributors: Nate McDonald, Ralph Wells
Formerly Ipswich Brewing, then Mercury Brewing, and now Ipswich again.
Updated: March 18, 2022
- 2011-07-05: Are Clown Shoes' labels offensive? (Boston Globe)
Beer List
8.00% abv.
5.40% abv.
9.00% abv.
Date: June 11, 2013 (#9202)Package: draughtPlace: Map Room, Chicago ILScore: 16½ pointsAppearance (3)
Amber, very hazy. Thick head.Aroma (3)
Fruity, earthy, resiny, spicy hops.Mouthfeel (8)
Nice and chewy. Big grapefruity hop flavor on biscuity, caramel malt. Fairly bitter.Overall Impression (2½)

11.50% abv.
Date: November 11, 2018 (#9951)Package: bottledPlace: Hy-Vee Stony Brook, Omaha NEScore: 20 pointsAppearance (3)
Black. Low brown head.Aroma (4)
Floral. Roasty. Malty.Mouthfeel (10)
Thick and malty. Roasty and floral and really nicely balanced. Grassy bitterness shows up late. Deceptively not warming; it doesn't show off its strength at all.Overall Impression (3)
Real good beer on a cold Omaha afternoon.
8.00% abv.
7.00% abv.
6.00% abv.
8.00% abv.

8.00% abv.
Date: May 28, 2021 (#10538)Package: cannedPlace: Northbound Liquor Store, Elk River MNScore: 16½ pointsAppearance (3)
Golden. Some haze. Huge head.Aroma (3½)
Really fruity. Piney, grassy hops.Mouthfeel (8)
Big body, smooth. Biscuity malt behind a ton of fruity hop flavor. Nicely bitter. Grassy, mildly piney, resiny. Fruity hoppy grassy finish.Overall Impression (2)
Not as bitter as it could be, but mighty tasty.