This is not the official web site of
Sankt Gallen Brewery
元祖地ビール屋 サンクトガーレン

1137-1, Kaneda
〒243-0807 神奈川県厚木市金田1137-1
Atsugi-shi 243-0807
Telephone: +81 046-224-2317
[Contact] [Update]
〒243-0807 神奈川県厚木市金田1137-1
Atsugi-shi 243-0807
Telephone: +81 046-224-2317
[Contact] [Update]
- 2013-04-18: Beer Brewed With Elephant Dung (Brookston Beer Bulletin)
Beer List
5.20% abv.
4.80% abv.
6.80% abv.
5.50% abv.
6.50% abv.
9.80% abv.
4.80% abv.
8.60% abv.
6.60% abv.
5.60% abv.
4.80% abv.
5.00% abv.
4.80% abv.
6.50% abv.
6.50% abv.
5.40% abv.
4.80% abv.
10.00% abv.
5.70% abv.