This is not the official web site of
Handbrauerei Gerhard Forstner

Dorfstraße 52
A-8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz
Telephone: +43 (0) 3135 / 542 28
Brewer: Gerhard Forstner
[Contact] [Update]
A-8401 Kalsdorf bei Graz
Telephone: +43 (0) 3135 / 542 28
Brewer: Gerhard Forstner
[Contact] [Update]
Beer List
13.00% abv.
6.80% abv.
8.50% abv.
4.90% abv.
5.00% abv.
5.00% abv.
7.50% abv.
5.80% abv.
6.00% abv.
6.60% abv.
9.50% abv.