This is not the official web site of
Société Beninoise de Brasseries / SOBEBRA
(Groupe Castel BGI)

PK 2,5 Route de Porto-Novo
01 Boite Postale 135
Telephone: +229 21 33 11 24
[Contact] [Update]
01 Boite Postale 135
Telephone: +229 21 33 11 24
[Contact] [Update]
Opened: 1975
Formerly Brasseries du Dahomey.
Updated: March 11, 2012
Beer List
5.70% abv.
4.20% abv.
5.20% abv.
5.70% abv.
5.30% abv.
5.20% abv.
7.50% abv.
5.70% abv.