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Dick's Brewing
Bar/Tasting RoomRestaurantBeer To Go (Off-License)Tours
3516 Galvin Road
Centralia WA 98531
Telephone: +1 360-736-7760
Toll-Free: +1 800-586-7760
Hours: Friday 3:00pm-7:00pm.
Brewer: David Pendleton
[Contact] [Update]


Opened: 1994

Annual Production: 1,074 bbl

Contributors: Diane Crawford, Klaus Degen, Siegfried Binge

Updated: October 23, 2016


Beer List

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    10.00% abv.
    • Date: December 26, 2004 (#5547)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Liquid Solutions, Tigard OR
      Score: 16 points
      Appearance (3)
      Deep copper color, hazy. Nice thick head.
      Aroma (3)
      Spicy hops, lots of caramel, fruity.
      Mouthfeel (8)
      Big body, real smooth. Big caramel malt sweetness, with lots of spicy hop flavor and bitterness.
      Overall Impression (2)
      This beer would definitely be worth putting away for a year or two.

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    8.00% abv.
    • Date: October 22, 2008 (#7491)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Liquid Solutions, Tigard OR
      Score: 16 points
      Appearance (3)
      Golden. Big head.
      Aroma (3)
      Spicy, sulfury, fruity.
      Mouthfeel (8)
      Huge chewy malt. Mild esters, some alcohol, and lots of malt.
      Overall Impression (2)
      The body and sweetness remind me of Samichlaus Helles.

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    (Special) Best Bitter
    5.50% abv.
    • Date: June 4, 2005 (#5711)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Liquid Solutions, Tigard OR
      Score: 15½ points
      Appearance (2½)
      Copper, hazy with yeast. Thick white head.
      Aroma (3)
      Lots of caramel, very fruity.
      Mouthfeel (8)
      Medium body, fizzy. Lots of very sweet caramel malt. Lots of very fruity hops. Mildly bitter. Lingering sweet fruity finish.
      Overall Impression (2)

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    Imperial or Double India Pale Ale
    8.50% abv.
    • Date: February 4, 2006 (#5828)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Liquid Solutions, Tigard OR
      Score: 16 points
      Appearance (2½)
      Red-amber, hazy with tiny floaters. Moderate dense head.
      Aroma (3)
      Huge fruity hops, smoky. Caramel malt.
      Mouthfeel (8)
      Big body. Massively malty with a big caramel flavor. Lots of fruity, earthy hop flavor. Fairly bitter, but not aggressively so. Resiny finish.
      Overall Impression (2½)

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    Sweet Stout or Cream Stout

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    Danger Ale
    American-Style Brown Ale
    5.20% abv.

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    Double Diamond Winter
    Imperial or Double Red Ale
    8.50% abv.

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    Grand Cru
    Belgian-Style Dark Strong Ale
    10.00% abv.

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    Imperial Stout
    Imperial Stout
    7.50% abv.

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    American-Style India Pale Ale
    5.50% abv.

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    Irish Style Ale
    Irish-Style Red Ale
    5.20% abv.

  • Lava Rock Porter
    Brown Porter
    7.00% abv.

  • Mountain Amber
    American-Style Amber Lager

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    Pale Ale
    American-Style Pale Ale

  • Silk Lady
    Belgian-Style Pale Ale
    4.40% abv.

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    Working Man's Brown Ale
    English-Style Brown Ale
    5.50% abv.