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Warsteiner Brauerei Haus Cramer KG
Domring 4-10
D-59581 Warstein
Telephone: +49 (0)2902 / 880
Hours: Daily tours noon-5:00pm. Reservations required.
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Visited: April 6, 2003

Opened: 1753

Annual Production: 8,000,000 hl

Contributor: Mario Kornmesser

Updated: September 22, 2024


Beer List

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    4.80% abv.
    • Date: July 1, 2003 (#4935)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Peabody's Ale House, Oshkosh WI
      Score: 15½ points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Bright golden. Thick head. Sweet, sulfury aroma. Light-medium body. Lots of sweet grainy Pilsner malt. Very mild herbal hop flavor and bitterness. Sweetish finish with a hint of bitterness.
    • Date: April 6, 2003 (#4826)
      Package: draught
      Place: Warsteiner Erlebnis Hohlen mit Wildpark, Warstein
      Score: 16½ points
      Overall Impression (3½)
      Bright golden. Huge creamy head. Very mild herbal hop and sweet malt aroma. Light body, fairly fizzy. Lots of sweet malt flavor all the way through with almost but not quite enough bitterness to balance it.
    • Date: April 7, 1998 (#2693)
      Package: bottled
      Score: 11½ points
      Overall Impression (2½)
      Golden-pale, moderate carbonation, low head. Smells like eggs, maybe...cardboard. Sweet, papery.
    • Date: January 24, 1996 (#1247)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Moloka`i Wines and Spirits Unlimited, Kaunakakai HI
      Score: 20 points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Pale golden, very high carbonation and large head. Fresh, malty, and sweet aroma. Malty-sweet flavor, very clean. Gentle Saaz bitter finish. Mighty tasty. Had some on tap at a bar in Kona last week.
    • Date: May 2, 1995 (#912)
      Package: draught
      Place: The HopYard, Pleasanton CA
      Score: 16 points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Pale yellow, moderate carbonation, no head! Malty-sweet, clean aroma. Malty-sweet flavor. Great mild bitter finish. Pretty clean.

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    European-Style Dark/Münchner Dunkel
    4.80% abv.
    • Date: May 2, 2008 (#6985)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Hy-Vee Columbus, Columbus NE
      Score: 13½ points
      Appearance (3)
      Bright red-brown. Low head.
      Aroma (2)
      Mildly skunked. Mildly sweet and roasty.
      Mouthfeel (7)
      Medium body, smooth. A bit skunky. Really sweet, caramelly. Big sweet finish.
      Overall Impression (1½)
    • Date: August 9, 1997 (#2113)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Ryan's Grill, Honolulu HI
      Score: 14½ points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Dark red-brown, high carbonation, good head. Smoky-sweet aroma. Big carbonation bite. Lots of sweet caramel...not enough hop flavor or bitterness to balance.

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    European-Style Low-Alcohol Lager / German-Style Leicht(bier)
    • Date: July 29, 2008 (#7210)
      Package: bottled
      Place: Beertopia, Omaha NE
      Score: 17 points
      Appearance (3)
      Very very pale, bright, almost like a cider. Big thick head.
      Aroma (2½)
      Sulfury, sweet, with a hint of skunk.
      Mouthfeel (9)
      Very light body, moderate carbonation. Sweet grainy malt, with a surprisingly prominent noble hop flavor.
      Overall Impression (2½)
      With "only 87 calories", it's definitely a light beer, but it does — sort of — taste like beer, much more so than any American light beer does.

  • Münchner-Style Helles
    5.10% abv.

  • German-Style Märzen/Oktoberfest
    5.60% abv.