This is not the official web site of
Pivovar Vyškov
(Jihomoravské Pivovary, a.s.)

Čsl. armády 116/4
CZ-682 11 Vyškov
Telephone: +420 517 348 183
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm, Friday-Saturday 9:00am-midnight.
Brewer: Dušan Táborský
[Contact] [Update]
CZ-682 11 Vyškov
Telephone: +420 517 348 183
Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-9:00pm, Friday-Saturday 9:00am-midnight.
Brewer: Dušan Táborský
[Contact] [Update]
Opened: 1680
Annual Production: 15,400 hl
Contributors: jarobb, Jiřà Drápela
Located about ½ km from the Vyškov na Moravě station on rail line 300.
Updated: August 19, 2013
Beer List
3.30% abv.
3.30% abv.
5.20% abv.
4.20% abv.
4.90% abv.
6.00% abv.
4.50% abv.
4.50% abv.