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Minipivovar Pegas

Jakubská 4
CZ-602 00 Brno
Telephone: +420 542 210 104
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:00am-midnight, Sunday 10:00am-10:00pm.
[Contact] [Update]
CZ-602 00 Brno
Telephone: +420 542 210 104
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:00am-midnight, Sunday 10:00am-10:00pm.
[Contact] [Update]
Opened: 1992
Annual Production: 2,600 hl
Contributors: Artur, Frantisek Smutny, jarobb, Jiřà Drápela
Located about 1 km from the main Brno station on rail lines 240, 244, 250, 260, 300, and 340.
Updated: January 23, 2013