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Lua Brewing

1525 High Street
Des Moines IA 50309
Telephone: +1 515-630-5311
Hours: Monday-Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm, Sunday 11am-9pm.
Brewer: Zack Dunbar, Luke Fritzjunker
[Contact] [Update]
Des Moines IA 50309
Telephone: +1 515-630-5311
Hours: Monday-Thursday 11am-10pm, Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm, Sunday 11am-9pm.
Brewer: Zack Dunbar, Luke Fritzjunker
[Contact] [Update]

Beer List
5.80% abv.
Date: June 4, 2024 (#11761)Package: cannedPlace: at the breweryScore: 18½ pointsAppearance (3)
Deep mahogany. Moderate fizzy head.Aroma (3½)
Wood. Dark toast. Grassy. Smoky. Molasses. English.Mouthfeel (9)
Light-medium body, surprisingly smooth. Nicely malty, mildly roasty, just a little grainy. Toast and dark fruit. Some molasses. Mildly smoky.Overall Impression (3)
This is really a good beer.
4.60% abv.
Date: June 23, 2024 (#11771)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 16½ pointsAppearance (3)
Bright, brown. Low head.Aroma (3½)
Dark malt, hint of molasses, maple? Grassy English hops.Mouthfeel (8)
Light body, low carbonation. Sweet, molasses, plums. Mild grassy hop flavor, low bitterness. Sweetish brown finish.Overall Impression (2)
Not bad at all.

5.50% abv.
Date: June 23, 2024 (#11770)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 20 pointsAppearance (3)
Brilliant golden. Big fluffy head.Aroma (4)
Nicely sulfury, grainy, malty, bready, and mildly floral.Mouthfeel (10)
Medium body, just fizzy enough. Really bready, mildly grainy, with a fair bit of sulfur. Floral-grassy hop flavor, perfectly balanced with bitterness.Overall Impression (3)