The "Brewery Update" form was broken for a while, but it's fixed now, so send me those updates!
This is not the official web site of
Oak Pond Brewery
Retail ItemsBeer To Go (Off-License)Tours
101 Oak Pond Road
PO Box 1208
Skowhegan ME 04976-4602
Telephone: +1 207-474-3233
Hours: Monday-Friday 3:00pm-5:30pm, Saturday 12:30pm-5:30pm.
Brewer: Donald Chandler
[Contact] [Update]


Opened: 1996

Annual Production: 2,000 bbl

Contributors: Siegfried Binge, Barry, Chris Sweet, Guy Drouin, Nancy Chandler, Ralph Wells, Richard R Tinurelli

Re-opened under new management.

Updated: October 5, 2014

Beer List