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Brass Foundry Brewing Company

Contributor: Jon Hughes
Originally planned for downtown Minneapolis, Brass Foundry's taproom is under construction in a Minnetonka business park, at 5959 Baker Road.
Updated: January 26, 2022
Beer List
5.87% abv.
Date: December 29, 2020 (#10404)Package: cannedPlace: Northbound Liquor Store, Elk River MNScore: 14½ pointsAppearance (2)
Brown-red, some haze. Moderate dense head. Way darker than amber.Aroma (2½)
Chocolatey, mildly roasty. Nice sweet clean malt. Way darker than amber.Mouthfeel (8)
Medium body, fairly fizzy. Toasty, roasty malt and grassy, floral hops. Low-medium bitterness. Really nicely complex and clean, but...Overall Impression (2)'s an American Brown, not an Amber Ale. And it's a pretty good one.

5.30% abv.
Date: December 29, 2020 (#10403)Package: cannedPlace: Northbound Liquor Store, Elk River MNScore: 16 pointsAppearance (3)
Golden-amber, some haze. Moderate dense head.Aroma (3)
Mildly biscuity, pretty clean.Mouthfeel (8)
Light body, fizzy. Sweet, grainy malt, mildly toasty. Fruity, grassy hop flavor. Low bitterness. Fruity, grassy finish.Overall Impression (2)

5.45% abv.
Date: December 28, 2020 (#10402)Package: cannedPlace: Northbound Liquor Store, Elk River MNScore: 15 pointsAppearance (2)
Yellow, pretty hazy. Dense head.Aroma (3)
Grassy, grainy malt. Mild spicy hops.Mouthfeel (8)
Light body, creamy despite the high carbonation. Grainy malt, a little sulfury. Grassy hop flavor, low bitterness in the finish.Overall Impression (2)
Filtration might clean up the flavors a bit.