- 2014-03-26: BREWERY BOSS KILLED BY AVALANCHE (The Drinks Business)
Beer List
5.60% abv.
Date: March 25, 2003 (#4740)Package: draughtPlace: Augustiner Keller, MünchenScore: 15½ pointsOverall Impression (3)
Deep bright red, thick head. Very mildly smoky aroma, with a hint of autolysis? Medium body. Fairly sweet, with lots of dark Munich malt flavor. Lingering toasty-sweet finish.
5.60% abv.
Date: March 25, 2003 (#4739)Package: draughtPlace: Augustiner Keller, MünchenScore: 19 pointsOverall Impression (3½)
Bright beautiful golden with a massive head. Very nice Munich malt aroma with floral hops. Medium body, moderately fizzy. Rich pale malt flavor with a very nice bitterness that lasts all the way through the finish. Some sulfury notes. An excellent start to our trip.
7.50% abv.
5.20% abv.
7.50% abv.
Date: March 25, 2003 (#4742)Package: draughtPlace: Augustiner Keller, MünchenScore: 20 pointsOverall Impression (3)
Deep dark burgundy, huge head. Smoky, toasty, grainy, malty aroma. Medium-big creamy body. Intense Munich malt flavor: smoky, woody, grainy, with hints of raisins. Incredibly smooth. No hint of alcohol character, except for a little warming at the end.