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Eddie McStiff's Brewpub

57 South Main Street
Moab UT 84532
Telephone: +1 435-259-2337
Brewer: Darwin Barker, Laura Nagel, John Dalton
[Contact] [Update]
Moab UT 84532
Telephone: +1 435-259-2337
Brewer: Darwin Barker, Laura Nagel, John Dalton
[Contact] [Update]
Opened: 1991
Annual Production: 2,500 bbl
Contributors: Ed Snyder, steven larue
Eddie's was reported to be for sale in 2007.
Updated: April 23, 2007
Beer List
- Silver Medal, 1999 North American Beer Awards
Date: March 31, 1999 (#3227)Package: bottledPlace: 1st Wines and Spirits, Allouez WIScore: 12½ pointsOverall Impression (2½)
Massive head...even the bottle is full of foam. Deep red in color. Sweet, roasty aroma. Medium body, sweet, roasty. Sweet bitterish finish. Lots of DMS.
Date: September 28, 1996 (#1803)Package: bottledPlace: Great American Beer Festival, Denver COScore: 13½ pointsOverall Impression (2½)
Very pale, good head. Surprisingly clean aroma. Good wheat beer...can't find the pepper.