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Monty's Brewery
1 Castle Works
Hen-Domen, Montgomery
Powys SY15 6HA
Telephone: +44 (0) 1686 668933
Hours: Tours (£5) by appointment.
Brewer: Pam Honeyman
Hen-Domen, Montgomery
Powys SY15 6HA
Telephone: +44 (0) 1686 668933
Hours: Tours (£5) by appointment.
Brewer: Pam Honeyman
Opened: 2009
Updated: March 31, 2013
- 2010-02-01: Beer and massage for Powys farmer's rare Wagyu cattle (BBC)
Beer List
3.80% abv.
4.00% abv.
4.20% abv.
3.60% abv.