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Carolina Brewery

460 West Franklin Street
PO Box 8
Chapel Hill NC 27516
Telephone: +1 919-942-1800
Hours: Open Monday-Saturday at 11:30am, Sunday at 11:00am.
Brewer: Jon Connolly, Adam Jones
[Contact] [Update]
PO Box 8
Chapel Hill NC 27516
Telephone: +1 919-942-1800
Hours: Open Monday-Saturday at 11:30am, Sunday at 11:00am.
Brewer: Jon Connolly, Adam Jones
[Contact] [Update]

Visited: September 20, 1997
Opened: 1995
Annual Production: 950 bbl
Contributors: Diane Crawford, Matt Clements, Siegfried Binge
Bohemian brewing system, typical Bohemian beer lineup. Chapel Hill needs more parking spaces, and less agressive drivers. Carolina Brewery was voted "Best Brewpub in the Southeast" and the "Triangle Brewpub of the Year" for 2000 and 2001.
Updated: October 27, 2018
Beer List
- Silver Medal, 2018 Great American Beer Festival
Date: September 20, 1997 (#2264)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 15 pointsOverall Impression (2½)
Red, low carbonation and head. Smells a little fruity. Good body, good spicy hop flavor.
- Gold Medal, 2006 Great American Beer Festival
Date: September 20, 1997 (#2266)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 15½ pointsOverall Impression (3)
Amber-brown, flat, no head. Citrus aroma. Good body, lots of citrus hop flavor and finish.
- Bronze Medal, 2013 Great American Beer Festival
Date: September 20, 1997 (#2263)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 13 pointsOverall Impression (2½)
Pale, low carbonation and head. Smells very sweet. Tastes sweet and bitter. Odd balance.