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Third Base Sports Bar and Brewery

500 Blairs Ferry Road NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52402
Telephone: +1 319-378-9090
Hours: Open daily 11:00am-2:00am.
Brewer: Travis Scheidecker
[Contact] [Update]
Cedar Rapids IA 52402
Telephone: +1 319-378-9090
Hours: Open daily 11:00am-2:00am.
Brewer: Travis Scheidecker
[Contact] [Update]

Visited: April 25, 2013
Opened: 2007
Contributors: Siegfried Binge, Teresa Fettkether
Updated: May 19, 2013
Beer List
7.00% abv.
Date: April 25, 2013 (#9053)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 14½ pointsAppearance (3)
Light brown, hazy. Low head.Aroma (3)
Sweet, smoky honey.Mouthfeel (7)
Light body, fizzy. Sweet, mildly smoky honey flavor. A little grainy, a little bitter. Finishes very clean.Overall Impression (1½)
4.50% abv.
5.30% abv.
Date: April 25, 2013 (#9056)Package: nitrogenatedPlace: at the breweryScore: 16 pointsAppearance (3)
Black. Dense nitro head.Aroma (3½)
Roasty, malty.Mouthfeel (8)
Light-medium body, notro-smooth. Nicely roasty and nicely malty. Lingering resiny bitterness in the finish.Overall Impression (1½)
6.50% abv.
Date: April 25, 2013 (#9055)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 16 pointsAppearance (3)
Deep golden. Dense head.Aroma (3)
Same hops as Red Rocket Amber.Mouthfeel (8)
Medium body, creamy. Big fruity-citrusy hop flavor, fairly bitter. Clean toasty-grainy malt background. Hoppy, mildly grainy finish.Overall Impression (2)