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This is not the official web site of
Water Tower Brewing
(No longer brewing)
12200 Singletree Lane
Eden Prairie MN 55344
Telephone: +1 952-941-8773

Click for a better picture


Opened: 1996

Annual Production: 2,000 bbl

Contributors: David Berg, Mark Kramer

Updated: January 12, 2004

Beer List

    • Date: August 14, 1999 (#3336)
      Package: draught
      Place: Great Taste of the Midwest, Madison WI
      Score: 14½ points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Bright golden amber, thick head. Hoppy aroma with a hint of diacetyl. Medium body, hoppy, nice balance.

    • Date: August 18, 2001 (#3899)
      Package: draught
      Place: Bluegrass and Brews Fest, Green Bay WI
      Score: 18½ points
      Overall Impression (3½)
      Bright golden brown, moderate head. Rich caramel malt aroma with fruity floral spicy hops. (FIVE DRY HOPS!) Medium-big body, huge caramel malt flavor, lots and lots of complex hop flavor and bitterness. Drying, alcoholic finish.
    • Date: August 14, 1999 (#3335)
      Package: draught
      Place: Great Taste of the Midwest, Madison WI
      Score: 16 points
      Overall Impression (3)
      Red-amber, moderate head. Sweet caramel hoppy aroma. Big malty hoppy strong smooth beer.